Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Learning the Piano - A Beginner's Guide

If you are considering learning the piano, there are some basic, elemental things you should understand about beginners piano training and beginners piano lessons.


First, one of the things you'll have to keep in mind at all times is that learning the piano, at first, isn't easy. It's that simple. If you are highly gifted and talented or already have musical training on another instrument, then you'll be able to advance more rapidly than other people, but it's still going to be a "chore" when you first begin it. So you'll have to take it slow at first while you train your hand, wrist, and lower arm muscles to move the way you want them to, and train your brain and ear.

You cannot fool yourself into believing that you happen to have some advantage that will make beginners piano learning "easy". You don't. You also don't have any special secret training method to make it "easy". Playing the piano will only become easy for you in time. In the meanwhile, there's only one way to make that happen, and that's to practice in a regular, disciplined way. Again, you have to at first practice slowly to learn quickly. You'll learn simple songs and melodies at first--including plenty of "one handed" songs. You will also need to follow routines for proper warm up and do "boring" exercises to learn scales, keys, chords, arpeggios, and so on.

If you fool yourself into believing that beginners piano should be easy for you, you're setting yourself up for failure. You will give up easily because you don't get instantaneous results. You won't go back over and over parts that you have trouble with; you'll just get red-faced with frustration and either rush ahead without learning what you needed to or quit altogether. If you stay disciplined and accept learning simple beginners piano techniques to start with, your progress will seem to take place in hardly any time.

So, keep your mind open, have patience, practice slowly to learn quickly, and prepare for one of the most enjoyable, pleasurable "hard times" you'll ever have in your life!


Second, you should not go the way of just learning songs on the piano, even if you have no intentions of becoming a "serious" piano player. If you don't understand basic music theory and basic technical concepts about music and piano playing, your playing will suffer. You won't have the depth of understanding that you need to get more creative, put more energy into songs, develop your own unique style, or be able to "jam" effectively with other musicians. You're also robbing yourself of the deeper joy and pleasure that always come with a deeper understanding of something.

Having said all this, to learn the piano as quickly and thoroughly as you possibly can, you need to have great teaching resources like books, CDs, and DVDs. Nowadays, the Internet makes access to these things easier than ever.

There are a couple of online products that I highly recommend which will have you playing the piano in hardly any time at all. My personal favorite is Rocket Piano. The other guide worth mentioning is Piano for All.

At the beginners piano website you can watch videos on how to be playing the piano in under 10 minutes.

For a free beginners guide with a free piano chord chart visit our beginners piano web site. We have reviews of the best home study courses available and beginner piano videos.

Discover online piano course reviews in the Play Piano Guide.

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