Sunday, August 16, 2009

Make Money Fast In 7 Easy Steps

I grew up with 1 major goal in mind… Make money fast.

So, I did what most aspiring money makers do, I went to college. Then one day, walking down the halls, I noticed a large group of professors and students forming a crowd in the middle of the hall.

My curiosity got the best of me and I made my way as close to the center of the action as possible. Standing in the center answering question after question about what sounded like sage advice was a tall slender man wearing thick glasses.

I nudged the student to my right and asked who this guy was; he didn’t even look at me and said “Professor James Bradley”

I didn’t recognize the name so I walked off and completely forgot about the encounter as a few weeks went by.

Until I got a phone call from my best friend…

He didn’t even give me a chance to speak, he just kept going on and on about making money fast, and then that name “Professor James Bradley.”

Now, I don’t usually listen to anyone who even says the words “Make Money Fast” but, my friend is usually dead on when it comes to things like this so I listened.

He told me he bought a book by Professor Bradley and used the techniques in it to make $10,000 in 2 weeks.

I asked him to give me a quick rundown of what he learned….

This is what I can remember off the top of my head:

Principal for making money fast #1: You are the narrator of your money story.

If you think you are not able to make money fast then you can’t. And vice versa, if you think, that you have what it takes to make money fast, then you do. You are in complete control of our story, you are the narrator.

Principal for making money fast #2: If you have a big problem, then you are just being small.

Usually when you want to make money fast, you feel the size of the problem and compare it to yourself and call it a BIG problem. In reality, you are downgrading your on size. You are bigger than ANY challenge you will ever encounter, especially making money fast. You simply need to remember that the problem is tiny, minute, almost non-existent, and you are the force to be reckoned with.

Principal for making money fast #3: A leader ALWAYS makes twice as much as a follower.

When you are in an office, the person doing the hard work, getting the job done, always makes a lot less than the guy who casually oversees the work. This is true no matter what your profession. If you want to make money fast you have to be the leader or ‘manager’ and you will always make at least twice as much as any follower or ‘employee.’ Sometimes, a leader makes as much as ten times what the followers are making. Always be in a leadership position.

Principal for making money fast #4: Respect other people who make money fast, don’t think negatively about them for one second.

If you see someone invent the next huge toy and loathe them for making money fast, subconsciously, you are telling yourself that this is a result you do not like. And since your mind doesn’t know that this is exactly what you REALLY want for yourself, you will self-destruct when you approach the same results. You must respect and admire people who make money fast.

Principal for making money fast #5: Concentrate on solutions, not problems.

When you have a situation standing in the way of you making money fast and you need an immediate solution you can do two things. First you can mope about and complain about having the problem in the first place, and that is natural. But, the productive thing to do is to focus on the solution.

Principal for making money fast #6: Think big.

This is not to be confused with DO big. Thinking big is simply not limiting your thoughts to just you, or just your area of expertise. You can only think on one plane at a time, but leave room for nature to input suggestions you never thought of. Don’t block anything out.

Principal for making money fast #7: Know what you want before you go after it.

Most people live by the motto: Ready, Fire, Aim. This is evident by all the people in college who have no idea as to what they want to do or even what their major is. TO make money fast you need to take time to just sit and consider what it is you REALLY want, and then begin to go after it.

3 months ago my friend and I went in on an investment that netted us $75,000 each. We are considering dropping out of college and going into business full time using Professor James Bradley’s internet millionaire system.

Professor James Bradley professionally is a professor of economics, personally a multi-millionaire. An expert in the field of world finance, Bradley has been engaged in the analysis of the Internet and markets since 1998. In the course of his research he has developed a method which allows anybody to earn thousands of dollars in an extremely short time. Click here to read Professor James Bradley’s Book for yourself

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