Thursday, January 28, 2010

Going Green without Spending Green

We have this mistaken idea that to go green, we have to spend green dollars. Well, actually, you do not need to strain your budget just to adopt an eco-friendly lifestyle. In fact, you will be fattening up your wallets with these tips on going green without spending your green dollars. And trust us, these ways are easy, effective and convenient.

Reduce Food Waste

Your grocery bill may constitute more than 50 percent of your total household bills. Thus, any and all efforts to reduce food waste will add up to big benefits to your pockets and to the environment for many reasons. You can achieve this end by:

* Reducing your food consumption in terms of shopping for groceries.
* Using leftovers for new dishes and enforcing a no-dregs policy
* Planning meals in advance to avoid too many leftovers

Use Heaters Wisely

We are so dependent on hot water for many of our needs from washing our bodies to washing our dishes and clothes. Well, go green by choosing cold water for many activities in the house. Start by taking cold showers when the weather permits instead of hot tub baths. Then progress into using unheated tap water for washing your hands, dishes and clothes. Studies have shown that tap water is just as effective in killing germs as hot water. The trick is in washing your hands properly for 20 seconds, soaking the clothes for 30 minutes to remove stubborn dirt and washing off the dregs on the eating utensils before placing on a full dishwasher.

Unplug the Appliances

You can save as much as 10-15 percent of your electricity bill simply by unplugging the cords from their sockets when these are not in use. This is because so-called phantom electricity does not flow from the grid into your appliances. And speaking of appliances, you can save money by either buying ones with the Energy Star logo or ones that have been refurbished. Of course, make sure that the refurbished appliances are also energy-efficient. You ought to save money in the long run instead of sticking to your run-down appliances. However, do recycle said old appliances with the manufacturers or with the recycling centers.

Use Recycled Materials for Your Home

As much as possible, use recycled materials for your home. You can purchase scrap lumber from hardware stores, vintage wood and glass panels from garage sales and old houses, utensils and ornaments made of recycled materials from green stores and sites, to name a few options. You will often spend less on these items and yet get as much mileage as you possibly can from them. Better yet, you should adopt the motto of environmentalists everywhere - reduce, reuse and recycle. You will soon find that indeed being eco-friendly has its rewards for you and for your children's children.

Starting today, take a look around your home and see what else needs to be done to be as environmentally-friendly as possible.

Read about ways to start going green in the kitchen and more about the different ways to recycle.

What Is A Data Center?

Why is it important to have a data center for that matter? A data center is a facility that will house a good amount of the electronic equipment (and information) that a business or group has and needs. There will be computers and communication elements in this area as well as a number of other vital components to keeping the business running smoothly. What is essential about a data center is security and maintenance.

Companies may have more than one data center as well. Most mid size or higher companies will have at least one data center though. There are many types of data that can be stored in these centers. For example, a financial institution will maintain their clients accounts, numbers and activities in the data center. Businesses will keep client names, accounts, and projects in a data center as well. Because the data a business has is so very important to their existence and their performance, turning to a data center is an excellent option for this type of storage need.

Inside of a data center you are likely to find various types of computers, internet servers as well as many other items. To keep these items safe, data centers are often built and secured physically as well as logistically to protect them. Security is extremely high. They can be one of the safest environments in the city. The main job of a data center is to maintain and run applications to allow businesses to access and manage their files effectively.

There are many information portals now devoted to the subject and we recommend reading about it at one of these. Try googling for “data center info” and you will be surprised by the abundance of information on the subject. Alternatively you may try looking on Yahoo, MSN or even a decent directory site, all are good sources of this information.

Data Center Migration

Data center migration services

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Health Insurance and the New Stimulus Package

Health insurance coverage for the masses has been in the news for awhile now. But with the recent campaign season, and the economic downturn the U.S. has been experiencing, it has been pushed to the forefront with renewed vigor. While I, like most of you, would like to see the entire population have some type of health insurance coverage, I don't believe the government should foot the bill. Or at lease not all of it.

The proposed $836 BILLION dollar stimulus package sets aside about $40,000,000,000.00 (40 billion) to help the uninsured. Some of the money is to be used to expand medicaid for the poor, while the rest is to used to subsidize C.O.B.R.A. for those who lose their jobs. On the surface these seem to be good ideas but upon further review the plan is more expensive than it needs to be while skipping a large portion of people in the middle.

Helping those less fortunate than ourselves is a noble cause, thus I believe helping the poor by expanding Medicaid sounds reasonable, however, the individual states we be able to set the baseline for acceptance. Meaning that if the state sets the limit too some of the truly needy will not qualify, but if they set the limit too high then we as tax payers are helping those who should be able to help themselves. Also covered under the Medicaid program will be those who choose not to report their income either for tax or immigration issues as well as those who simply choose not to work. (But that is another article for a different day) If we as the taxpayers are expected to pay the bills we should have the right to expect our government to enforce the rules that govern our money. Some portion of the Medicaid funds should be set aside for that purpose. So that we are not being taken advantage of.

The second portion of the stimulus to to subsidize the high cost of C.O.B.R.A. coverage when an employee with company sponsored benefits loses their job. I believe that this, for the most part, is a tremendous waste of funds. 94% of people on C.O.B.R.A. would qualify for an IFP(individual or family plan) though private insurance for up to 75% less. The remaining 6% would not qualify and should be allowed and possibly subsidized until they can find another group health insurance plan or be allowed to remain on C.O.B.R.A. until the age of 65 when they would qualify for Medicare. If the government insist on subsidizing everyone on C.O.B.R.A. Wouldn't it be far cheaper for them just to subsidize the cost of the lower cost private plan? Potentially saving billions of dollars while still providing basic coverage for those who lost their jobs.

The group of people being left out of this plan are the people who do not have group coverage, make too much money for Medicaid and have to provide their own coverage. I think what these people need is not subsidies or "free" insurance but information and education on what insurance coverages they need versus what the think they need. We are at the end of the HMO generation. The time when most had an HMO plan through our employers or our parents employers and there was little to no cast for any medical services. Those days are gone but many believe that is the only acceptable type of coverage, Low cost high coverage and no personal financial responsability. During these difficult financial times we need to take a look at the type of coverage that we truly need, take responsibility for that coverage, seek out those that can best advise us and then put it in place.

Insurance is not the governments responsibility it is OUR responsibility. Government funded insurance should not be a right of the people until all of the people are required to help fund it. These are just my opinions and my thoughts and every person is entitled to their own. If you like my ideas or have different ideas of your own, do the right thing and contact your congressman and let them know what you would like them to do. Without our voices they are voting on these issues assuming that you agree with their opinion.

Arthur Hoffman is an insurance broker in California. He is licensed in 14 states and specializes in health insurance policies. With in-depth knowledge of insurance plans and procedures, and having years of experience inside the insurance companies themselves, he is a highly qualified expert in the field. To get more information on Arthur Hoffman Insurance Services, or to search for a plan, please visit [] There, we have plans available for individuals, families, seniors and even children only policies. You can also get a free quote. There is also a FAQ page where you can learn more about insurance terms and information about the different types of policies available.

Use any of our tools and informative articles such as our Income assistance programs related articles.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Your Guide To Top Nursing Schools

So, you want to go to one of the top nursing schools, take up nursing and be a well paid and steady employed nurse years from now? To achieve this and more, you have to scout for the top nursing schools that could give you the best level of education. You go here and there to look for top nursing degree programs such as Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), Registered Nurse (RN), Bachelor Nursing programs, Masters Nursing degree programs, Nursing License and other specialty nursing areas like that of the certified nurse midwife programs.

Put an end to that search... all over the world, University of Phoenix, Walden University, Sanford-Brown College, and Bethel University are the most well known and top nursing schools.

Throughout the years, the field of nursing has brought millions and millions of people above average paying jobs. Not only that, opportunities arise like the golden sun everyday, and await all degree holders of nursing, especially those that graduated from the top nursing schools, and since nursing is proved to be in an endless great demand, a number of nursing schools grow and multiply every year like mushrooms. If you wish to take the path of nursing and get a high quality education, you’ll find the top nursing schools in states such as: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Melaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming and more.

Most of these top nursing schools require applicants and/or students to acquire formal training and certification. Top nursing schools, according to studies, are expected to grow more in number and go full blown before year 2010. More so, the Bureau of Labor Statistics have seen figures of obvious uncontrollable growth in the number of employed registered nurses up to date. With this, nursing professions prove to be the most in-demand and the largest well known profession worldwide. Graduating and earning a degree from the top nursing schools will be your key to the gate of the golden variety of professions such as nurse practitioners, family nurse practitioners, nurse assistants, and registered nurses. Among the given nursing professions, the most popular field is registered nursing.

The top nursing schools enhance the development of their nursing school programs and offers which includes undergraduate / non-degree/ graduate medical and health professions; nursing professions; registered nurse; public health and safety; medical administrative services; education; business; liberal arts and humanities; public safety and law enforcement; psychology; computer sciences; math and statistics; nurse practitioner of family; nurse practitioner; public health nurse or community nurse; nursing administration; social services and public administration; dental hygienist; sports medicine; paramedic; therapeutic and rehabilitation professions; nursing for adults and seniors; engineering technology; visual and performing arts; medical ethics and bioethis; religion and philosophy; communication technologies; religious vocations; communication and journalism; residency programs and so on.

The world’s top nursing schools are more often than not, located in the top cities where the mode of transportation to and from the location is easy and the cost of living is nonetheless, affordable.

Inspite of the tight competition going on between all the top nursing schools, they maintain the quality of education and continue to vie for a reputable name in the field of nursing. Throughout the years, they’ve given their students a systematized curriculum within convenient class hours, an extensive and strong alumni network, and solid learning groups and learning teams. These tons of benefits and advantages have brought in more than a million students lined up for enrollment. Surely, these top nursing schools are the answers to all your professional high education worries.

Learning groups and Learning teams in top nursing schools

So, how do the learning groups differ from the learning teams? The learning groups are a herd of nursing students who go all the way up TOGETHER all throughout the degree process. They help each other hand in hand as they move from one course to another. The solidarity in learning groups remain intact even after they’ve earned their degrees. However, learning teams are a bit smaller than the learning groups in terms of head count. Usually, learning teams in top nursing schools consists of around 3 to 6 students only. They are not as intact as the learning groups because their ways of interaction and communication are very minimal. And most of the time, they do their group assignments and projects, and other activities which enchance learning skills thru online learning.

Top nursing schools will continue to extend benefits to their graduates, degree holders and alumni. So, ship all your worries off to Timbuktu, because with the helpful information I mentioned about top nursing schools – you’ll be more than ready to take the 1st step!


Online LPN Programs

Online LPN Nursing Programs

Monday, January 11, 2010

Why You Need to Delete iTunes Duplicates

For most people, their iTunes account is a bounty of music. With everything from music uploaded from CDs to the files downloaded from the iTunes store, your iPod or iPhone can be filled with any and all of the music you desire. But in the midst of downloading and uploading, sometimes can have duplicate files - and not even realize it. However, you do need to delete iTunes duplicates whenever possible. And here's why.

More Files = More Memory Taken

It makes sense that when you don't delete iTunes duplicates, then you're going to be stuck with a bunch of music which repeats itself. And while this might not be a problem when you're first building your iTunes library, things can and will get sticky if you continue to fill up your memory. When the memory begins to fill, the rest of the programs on your PC or your laptop will begin to slow, causing troubles when you attempt other task. In addition, you just won't have room for more music on your computer if you run out of memory. When you delete iTunes duplicates, you will help keep your computer running well for a longer period of time and this means you can enjoy your music collection both now and in the future.

Save Yourself Some Money

Of course, if you get rid of delete iTunes duplicates, you are actually going to begin to save yourself money. Once you begin to see that you're buying files which you don't need, you're going to be a little more careful when you stop by the iTunes store. Thankfully, iTunes will tell you when you are about to download something you already have, but only if the file and album name are exactly that same - and this is not the case when you are downloading singles. Tricky, yes, legal, yes. But the more practice you have with taking the time to delete iTunes duplicates, you won't be making that mistake again.

Prevent Duplicate Files in the Future

To prevent the need to delete iTunes duplicates in the future, it will help for you to write down songs and albums you want to purchase and then look for these tracks in your library. If the tunes are in your library, you don't need to buy them. Or it might be a good idea from time to time to arrange your iTunes library in alphabetical order by titles. This way, you can quickly skim down your list to see if you have any files which need to be deleted. Another good idea is to take your CD collection out and see what files you have on CD as well as in your iTunes library. If the music is on a CD, then you might want to remove it from your library to help pare down the memory.

It's simple to delete iTunes duplicates, but it's a better idea to avoid downloading the duplicates in the future. You want to enjoy playing your music, not arranging it and rearranging it.

Max Smirnov, I know the way to Delete iTunes Duplicates automatically

Koop iTunes Gift Cards.

Monday, January 4, 2010

SEOBlogBuilder - A Review

SEOBlogBuilder: A Review

If you operate one or many websites or blogs, SEOBlogBuilder can easily become an invaluable part of your efforts to achieve higher traffic results. SEOBlogBuilder is an automated blogging software that automatically creates content for the blogs on your sites that are search engine optimized.

Since blogs and search engine optimized web content are considered among experts to be the most effective ways to achieve the highest possible search engine ranking, the faster and better you can add this type of content to your own website, the sooner you will dramatically raise the amount of traffic that your site receives.

This product leads its users to the simplest, fastest, and cheapest method for attaining inbound links. The reason behind the success of SEOBlogBuilder is the efficacy of using keywords within your blog content because it registers among search engines that the site is frequently being updated, and they will therefore send their indexing spiders to crawl it more frequently; indexing your content more often, using precisely the keywords you want and need.

The more your website is crawled by search engine spiders, the better your chances of achieving high ranking in searches from prospective visitors to your site. Furthermore, with more blog pages on your site, there will be more one-way links for the different pages of your site. One way links are a vital part of today's strategies for attaining the best ranking on search engines.

Blogs are special among the different kinds of web content as have a pinging system built into them so that they automatically notify search engines and RSS services that the content of your site has been changed.

Of course, there are other automated blogging softwares out there, however, they are flawed in that they rapidly consume the resources of your server, shutting down your account. Furthermore, they are able to manage only one blog at a time. Additionally, the ability to search engine optimize the content within these automated blogs is quite limited.

These areas are where SEOBlogBuilder really stands out. It's advantages include the following:

* Automated blog content creation (everything from content to inbound links)

* Back linking

* Posting to as many blogs as you want

* Build merchant data feed sites

* Add supplementary content to your posts to eliminate duplicate content filters

* Search engine optimized content, using proper keywording techniques

* Use of Wordpress and Blogger blogs

* And much, much more

The SEOBlogBuilder turnkey solution is well priced, with everything that you need for all of the features that you can possibly want, and it comes with a list of useful additional bonuses, free, that sweeten an already great deal.

For more information of SEO and blogs, click here --

Bourne SEO offers Web Design in Sussex and other services.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Debt Reduction

If you feel like you are swimming in a sea of credit card debt, you are
not alone. This fact probably will not make you feelany better, but the fact that you have lots of company means that there are a variety of debt reduction strategies and debt consolidation services you can use to get back on solid financial ground.There is a thriving industry full of companies that do nothing but help consumers get a handle on their debt problems. These credit counseling firms run the gamut from non-profit community based organizations to national chains to huge mega companies with a branch in every major city. Finding the right company to entrust with your debt reduction can be difficult and challenging.

Before turning to an outside company for help, however, there are steps consumers can take on their own to reduce their debtload. Of course the easiest strategy is to put extra money toward retiring your debt. Every extra dollar
you put toward your credit card balance is one more dollar on which you will not owe interest or penalties.

Of course, finding that extra money can be a challenge. Most people are lucky to have a few dollars left over between paydays,and many consumers find themselves out of money before they are out of month. This is where a good
budget program can come inhandy. Budgeting is not a skill that is taught in school, and it is often not taught at home either. Learning how to make a budget and stick to it can be the most important aspect of your financial life.
Try this little exercise and see if you can’t shake loose some extra money each month. Write down every expense you incur for at least a week. That’s every expense – every cup of coffee, every meal, every trip to the grocery store,
every trip to the mall, every tank of gas. Be scrupulous about recording every penny you spend and what you spend it on. At the end of the week, add it all up and give it close scrutiny. Ask yourself if every item was a necessity. Are there places you can cut backon your daily living expenses? Even a dollar or two a day can add up quickly – try cutting back for a couple months and putting that extra money toward your debt.

Of course, this strategy may be only part of the solution for serious debts. If you owe more than you can afford to pay, try negotiating directly with your creditors. Consumers are often pleasantly surprised at how flexible their credit card companies, banks and other lenders are when renegotiating the terms of their debt. For instance, your credit card company may be willing to give you a lower interest rate, waive certain fees, or even accept a lesser
amount than what you owe.

Of course, the bank is not just doing this to be nice to you. It is in the best interest of your creditors that you be in a position to repay what you owe. After all, if you are forced into bankruptcy, the bank will most likely be unable to recover what they are owed. And as you know, bankruptcy is no panacea for the consumer either. That black mark will follow you for at least seven years, and it is no longer so easy to use bankruptcy to shield yourself from debt.
It can be difficult to reduce debt, but by carefully following a budget and negotiating with your creditors, you can get a handle on your debt and your spending. You will need to learn how to handle debt on your own. There is no
course on their important skill, but the skills you teach yourself can help ensure your financial future and keep you debt free.

If you find difficult to manage yourself you can always look into a debt
consolidation company.Debt management can assist you in paying off
that debt. When using credit counseling you will make ONE LOW monthly
payment to the debt consolidation company and in turn they well
dispurse the money to your creditors.

Kristy Sinsara

Kristy Sinsara

Hypnosis - Where’s the Magic?

What is hypnosis and why does is it intrigue us so much?

There are many different definitions of hypnosis, the first result in search engines is:

A trance-like state in which a person becomes more aware and focused and is more open to suggestion.

The Oxford dictionary tells us that hypnosis is the induction of a state of consciousness in which a person loses the power of voluntary action and is highly responsive to suggestion or direction.

Many hypnotherapists would disagree with the Oxford dictionaries explanation of what hypnosis means. The idea of losing power over your actions during hypnosis is not what hypnotherapy is about in their opinion.

Hypnotists will tell you that hypnosis is to do with relaxation of your mind and body; however, you are in total control and can not be made to do anything you don’t want to do.

Hypnosis is more about making someone so relaxed that the therapist is able to speak directly to your subconscious mind, which will have a positive affect on your mind when you are fully conscious.

If for example you are afraid of spiders and you went to see a hypnotherapist to overcome this fear, the therapist would put you in a relaxed state, and speak to your subconscious mind about your fear of spiders. They would tell you that when you see a spider, they will no longer scare you etc.

If a therapist spoke these thoughts to you whilst you were fully alert, it would probably make no difference at all, but by speaking to you in a relaxed state of hypnosis, you cannot argue in your mind with the idea that next time you see a spider you will still be afraid.

Our subconscious mind is influence everyday without us really realising. We can hear a tune on the radio and think to ourselves, where have I heard that before? It was probably playing in the background somewhere where you have been.

We used to have a colleague at work who would deliberately walk into our office, whistle a tune whilst sending a fax, no one really took any notice as they were getting on with their work, however, a few minutes after he had gone, someone else (normally me) would hum the tune without really realising why and other people said they had that tune running around their head.

Oddly as it seems, the tune was planted into our subconscious mind without us really noticing.

That isn’t a magic trick, that is someone recognising that although we may be concentrating on one thing, our subconscious picks up everything that is going on around us.

The difference with us and hypnotist is that they have learned the art of this and how this can have an affect on us.

Even the stage hypnotist would like you to believe they have some kind of magic power, but infact, all they are really doing is talking to your subconcious through signs so that you will be more susceptible and amazed when they hit you with their trick.

Genuine hypnotherapists recognise that they can have a positive affect of people by using their skill, whether it be overcoming a fear, loosing weight, stopping bad habits or building up your self confidence, whatever it may be, you can at least know that there is no magic involved, and it is not a tool to make you do things you would not want to do in your normal alert state.

lose weight with hypnosis