Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Protect Your Family With Silver Coins

Have you looked at your investment portfolio lately?

Chances are you are like thousands of other regular folks who used to think their investments were safe and that they would never need to do anything until retirement. Then the market turned on its ear and 401ks everywhere started to tank big time. Now you're cringing and too nervous to even look at your investments for fear of how bad they might actually look.

If this is you, then it is definitely time to start looking into an investment in silver coins.

Silver has been used as a medium of exchange for over 4,000 years. It was first mentioned in the book of Genesis in the Bible's Old Testament (Genesis 23:15)

Did you know that half of the world's existing silver supply has been mined in the past 70 years? Or that every cell phone, television, and computer contains silver?

While gold may be the "holy grail" of all precious metals as far as most people think, the truth is that silver coins continue to increase in value at nearly the same rate that gold does, but because the price has been artificially held down for decades, silver is still quite affordable and easy to get. That will all soon change though, since there is seven times more gold in the world than there is silver, and gold is not being used for anything but jewelry!

Precious metals like silver coins are a safe investment and one that you can feel comfortable knowing will be there for your family regardless of what may happen to the stock market. Silver and gold have never been worth zero, but every day the stock certificates of more and more companies we once thought were giants are just as worthless as the paper their certificates are printed on.

AIG and General Motors may have asked for a bailout from the United States Government but your silver coins never will! In fact, your silver can even be used as currency in the event of some worldwide disaster if the dollar's value were to continue to decrease (like it is right now).

To learn more about the history of silver, as well as more information on how and why you should be investing in silver right now, just download your copy of my free digital e-book, Guide to Silver Coin Investing. You'll be glad you did.

Many people are curious about how to protect their money, but often overlook the many benefits of silver coins. Take a look at our Free Guide to get started today.

Get the Best Deals on Gold and Silver Coins
Don't Pay Too Much for Gold and Silver Coins

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hearing Aids and Glasses Leveling the Sensory Field

Since time immemorial, people have referred to the eyes as “windows to the soul”, yet blind and deaf Helen Keller said "Hearing is the deepest, most philosophical sense man possesses."

For centuries, sight impaired people have worn glasses without being labeled “mentally defective.” Meanwhile, those with hearing impairment have suffered enormous prejudice. Labeled as “old", "stupid", "mentally ill", or "selective listeners", many hearing impaired people live in denial, or refuse to wear hearing aids because they are afraid of being branded.

For decades, quality eye glasses and contact lenses have been purchased for around 100 dollars but until recently, hearing aids were so expensive that only the wealthy could afford high quality corrective instruments.

Year upon year, eye glasses are fashionably designed in various shapes and colors to enhance physically attractiveness. Conversely, hearing aids are designed to be “discreet”, and manufactured in skin tones because they are deemed unsightly.

Every day, thousands of people submit their prescriptions for eye glasses and contacts lenses online. Orders are then shipped directly to them within 24 hours. At the same time, people seeking hearing correction call ahead for appointments, fight traffic, and look for parking to obtain help.

So how can we level the playing field? First, we must acknowledge that hearing impairment does not signal old age or intellectual inferiority. Admittedly, those who endure uncorrected sight impairment or hearing loss can be at a disadvantage, because they may be unable to decipher everyday sensory signals. Fortunately, excellent solutions for the hearing impaired are now readily available.

With the advent of technology, full-featured 100% digital aids incorporating advanced noise canceling and sound amplification computer chips can be produced inexpensively. There is no need to pay thousands of dollars for comfortable, top-quality hearing aids to correct moderate to moderate-severe hearing loss and reduce sound feedback inside the ear.

Hearing aids can also be fashionable and fun. Colorful hearing aids incorporating gemstones can optimize individual attractiveness. Such hearing aid solutions maximize intimacy at home, and empower communication in the workplace. They signal pride, and are sported by those who stay in the game and keep their edge. I have never met a woman who doesn’t like diamonds, and I believe that most men feel successful when they own the latest and the best.

After consulting with a physician to ensure a hearing aid will benefit them, hearing impaired clients can select the size, model, color, and stone they prefer, and input a current audiogram online. 100% digital hearing aids are custom programmed to meet their prescriptive correction requirements, and shipped within 24 hours. Clientele can take advantage of instructional videos, extended warranties, and a 45-day money back guarantee.

Hearing loss acts as a “silent thief”, robbing the individual of life’s pleasures. While hearing correction restores vitality and self-esteem to the individual, spouses, family members, and coworkers also reap life-changing benefits. Instead of shouting and continually repeating themselves, they can relax, maximize the moment, and enjoy the playing field.

BTE Hearing Aid St Louis MO

Marketing you web site - Part 4 - Using newsletters, search engines and the yellow pages

Using Newsletters to market your web site

As I stated before, it can take several times for a potential client to begin to trust you. You also want to keep the clients that you have. Part of your marketing plan will be to stay in touch with your clients. Letting them know what is happening, any sales that you may be holding, or new products/services that you may have. A great way of keeping in touch is with a newsletter.

What is a newsletter? Simply put it is a communication between you and your subscribers. By offering information that the client may find helpful, you are offering a service to them that is of value. Immense value in fact. Your information may save them time and money. Building a trust between you and the client. This trust will turn to sales over time.

So what does it take to get a newsletter off the ground so to speak? Two things: First is to have the clients/customer sign up for the newsletter. This can be a simple email or mailing program. RD Web hosting has a mailing list package that is part of the hosting plan. It is simple yet effective. Click here to see it in action. The second thing is a newsletter. This can be written in any word processing program or in your email software. It doesn't have to be long and complicated.

Let's say for example you have found a new recipe. Something that you think your subscribers would be interested in. You type up the recipe along with an introduction and paste it into your email program or mailing list software. From there you send it to each of your subscribers. Cost? A few minutes of time. No printing or mailing charges required. Oh, by the way, in that little letter you sent to each subscriber, you place a little advertising for your web site or store. Or maybe you have 'sold' some space to a friend or business associate who may have something of interest to your subscribers as well.

Newsletters are a great and inexpensive advertising medium. Just remember to place articles of interest in the newsletter and not all advertising. There is nothing worse than getting mail that is all ads. Over time people will stop reading it if they don't find the information useful.

Using Search engines and marketing your web site

Search Engines (SE) are the mystery of the Internet. So many different types even from the users standpoint. There are over 225,000 search engines and directories on the Internet. How do they work and why should you care?

Basically, a search engine is a database of web pages that contains information about that page such as: where it can be found (URL); what is on it (Keywords); when it was last indexed; and a description (Title) of the web page. When you go to a search engine and type in your request (query) the database engine pulls up the data that matches your request. So a search engine is only as good as the data in it. How do we get that data? Most search engines are copies of the major databases. There are only a few real databases out there. So lets talk general terms. Data can be entered by the owner of the website. This information is then indexed and your site is listed. In the past that is how things worked. But we soon found out that people will do anything to get their website listed at the top of the page where they will be more likely to have the searcher click on their site. The owner of the database needed a better way. So programs where written called spiders to go out on the web and find websites. Then catalog each page of the website and enter that information into the database. Today that process is still going on. However, again the owners of the database have tried to make sure that the website information is correct and have been constantly changing the formula used to determine how a website should be listed based on it keywords, headers, titles, content, alt tags, etc. Some database owners even have people visit the website and make a judgment call. All of this is to insure that when you enter a search phrase into the search engine you receive the type of information you want. If you are happy with the search engine you will continue to use it and the advertisements placed on the search engine will help pay for the site.

Search engine technology is changing daily. To try and cover it here would be a waste of your time as it will be out of date tomorrow. So I have listed a site that does nothing more than follow and report on this technology. It is:
Search Engine Watch

What is important for us as website owners is know how to make sure we are properly listed and learn how to get the best listing on the search engines. So lets see... there are 1440 minutes per day and 225,000 search engines. That means if we spend just 10 minutes per search engine entering in our website information it will only take us1562 days to enter the information. But you should submit your website at least every other month, so you can see that is not going to work. There are all kinds of software and website services that will do this for you. But remember there are really only about 4 major databases that feed all those search engines. Even when your website is listed you may not have a very good placement due to other factors. As I said the database owners are constantly changing the rules. So what can you do?

Start with proper design of your website. Good content that is kept up to date. The spiders will find you over time and your ranking will improve as your use of keywords and content are evaluated. Other things that will help is the linking to your site from others. If you have good information, others will point their website to yours which will help your ranking in the search engines. All in all, this will take months to accomplish. But you want to start making money today!

Another way to get listed on search engines faster and at the top of the rankings is with PPC or Pay Per Click. PPC Search Engines charge you each time a user clicks your listing and goes to your website. In addition, many PPC have made arrangements with other search engines to place the paying website URL at the top of the listing (these are called sponsor sites). What does that mean for you as a website owner? Well, it means lots of traffic to your website that you can sell to over and over again. What will it cost? Hmmm how many secrets to give away in a free book :). Oh well, why not! The cost is dependent on how many other people want to be in the top listing. For example: has agreements with Yahoo, MSN, AOL and others that the 3 top bidders for keywords will be listed in the top 3 spots for that keyword on each of these search engines. By the way, as of December 2002 those 3 search engines accounted for over 80 percent of all searches on the web. Think that might be a nice place to have your website listed? Ok, back to the example. Let’s say I sell training, I research the keywords and find out that the top 3 positions go for $1.50, $1.45, $1.00 per click to my website. I have a product that sells for $795 per course. I could bid $1.51 and take the top spot. But remember I will have to pay the PPC for each person that clicks on my link. It can quickly run into the hundreds of dollars. I could also pay $1.01 and take the 3rd position saving me $.50 per click. Not all keywords are that expensive...some are more :). Actually you may find your keywords very inexpensive around 10- 20 cents per click.
PPC also do not care about keywords, titles, headers, content etc. So I can write a more compelling description here that will call to action the searcher to click on my site. BUT, once there I want to do everything I can to get them to leave their email address in exchange for my free product or gift. I do not want them coming back though PPC again. It will cost me more money that way. If I have their email address I can send them my link in other correspondence. We will talk about that later in auto responders.

Here is a list of some of the PPC. Since they drive qualified traffic to your site I would recommend using all of them. You will find your keywords cheaper on the less used sites but that is still traffic that you can sell to.

This is a lot of work. I know I have spent hours on Overture alone trying to monitor the website, keywords, and ranking.
I have said before in this course that automation is the key. The more we can automate the more time we have to spend on other things... maybe the family?

Using Yellow pages to market your web site

If you have a local business then you probably already have a business phone number. Most business phone services come with a listing in the local yellow pages. Be sure to list you website address. This is much more powerful form of advertising then just placing your address and phone number. Remember your site can offer specials, gather email or contact information, give away items or gifts to your customers to get them to visit your store, tell the customer so much more than you could afford to do in the phone book itself. Plus many people will bookmark your site and return time and time again once they see all the great information that you have available on the site.

I hope you have found some useful information in this package. I have strived to put together information about most of the different methods you can use to market you business.

Visit Philippine Business Directory an online yellow page in the Philippines.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Technological Advancement of Digital Hearing Aid

In this modern age it seems that just about anything that can has "gone digital." This includes common things from photographs to phone calls to music and much more. It is hard to dispute that "digital" is the in thing and one reason for this is that there are definite advantages to digital technology in most cases. In the realm of assistive listening devices, digital is also in and digital hearing aids are becoming the standard.

Digital hearing aids were first introduced to the marketplace over twenty years ago, in the early 1980s. However, they did not immediately gain in popularity, mainly because of their size and the fact that they were so easily seen while being worn, even more so than the traditional analogue, in the ear hearing aids.

However, in the decade of the 90s, the fast developments that were happening in technology in general, and the major advancements in miniaturization in specific, brought about an entirely new crop of digital hearing aids that were considerably smaller in size. This smaller size allowed these units to be more discrete, lightweight and comfortable and led to a surge in popularity.

Many people think that nowadays all of them are digital. But the fact of the matter is that the traditional analogue and the high-tech digital devices work quite differently.

As a result, both types of its products are still on the market and likely will be for some time to come. The analogue units use a microphone to pick up sounds, which are then converted to electrical signals, which are then amplified.

The more advanced analogue hearing aids are programmed to compress the sound through a process of "automatic gain control." This is done to amplify quieter sounds so they can be heard readily, yet at the same time filter out the louder sounds that do not need to be amplified.

This is intended to protect the person wearing them from uncomfortably loud noises. Unfortunately, even the best of the analogue devices do not accomplish this important task as well as digital hearing aids do.

The digital types of hearing aids are based on a completely different principle than analogue units. They are designed to better overcome the issues related to background noises. Digital devices convert the input from the microphone into digital bits of information which can then be processed through a minute computer that is an integral part of these types of assistive listening devices.

This process makes it possible to monitor the various incoming sounds and better process these sounds in ways that simply is not possible for analogue devices to match. The most advanced of the digital aids can be adjusted in almost infinite ways to meet the needs of the individual wearers. Many models even have the capacity to adjust automatically to correct for various circumstances and unique sound environments.

Even with the advancements in digital hearing aids, the technology is still not foolproof. Very noisy situations, such as are often encountered in noisy bars, pubs and restaurants can still present a challenge. One way to overcome very noisy backgrounds is to wear hearing aids in both ears which can help to better filter out the ambient noise that often distorts conversations.

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Hearing Aid Maintenance Repair

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Chiropractor College

A chiropractor college offers many different challenges for people wishing to get into that field. Many colleges have very high academic standards and expand their offerings for education. A good chiropractor college will put emphasis on strong educational preparation and clinical training in the chiropractor field. The clinical training allows the graduate to realize how successful they can be in a solo practice.

Students are offered an outstanding education at a chiropractor college, and there is high level of excellence. A good chiropractor college will mentor the student with practicing doctors, familiar with every aspect of chiropractic medicine. They will learn chiropractic care, and be enthusiastic in their practice. The curriculum continually grows and teaches the science, art and philosophy that a chiropractor needs to know. Another benefit to a good chiropractor college is that it offers two masters degree programs that help to prepare the student for professional practice as licensed acupuncturists as well. The student should leave feeling competent and confident as a practitioner with an understanding of theoretical concepts. The students will learn by doing, and will integrate theory with practice while working closely with educated and experienced practitioners.

In the end, a good chiropractor college will provide students with all the training and skills that are needed to help alleviate pain maintain wellness and establish a successful and fulfilling career. There should be high standards at a chiropractor college to help bring out the full potential of the student. The instructors will be highly involved and should offer hands-on training. There should be reputable doctors of chiropractic medicine in the program, and there should be new academic choices in acupuncture as it is often used hand in hand with chiropractic medicine. Research and internship opportunities should be available for the students. These areas should help to bring out the students highest potential, as this is one of the goals of a good chiropractor college. When the student graduates, they should be able to run a profitable practice.

Chiropractor Manipulation

Chiropractic Service

Monday, March 29, 2010

Information on Hearing Aids - Everything You Should Know

Hearing aids are devices that are designed to amplify sounds and improve the hearing capabilities of those who are partially deaf due to age or medical conditions. Originally, the hearing aid was an analog device that simply amplified sounds. Today, there are many different digital models that technology has created, allowing people who need hearing devices to get the best quality of sound and clarity that they deserve.

When it comes to buying a hearing aid, people should understand that they are not restoring their hearing, but simply improving the noise level of the sounds that they can hear. Here is some more information on hearing aids.

When seeking information on hearing aided devices you will find that there are over 1,000 different kinds that you can buy. The exact one that you choose depends on your specific needs as well as which you like best. If you have insurance or a plan to pay for your hearing aid, you might be limited in your selection.

However, when it comes to getting one, not many people can get them covered by insurance, making it very easy to choose the ones that suit them best. Considering that hearing aids are a medical device, the lack of available insurance is startling. However, many people have accepted this, and simply work out payment plans or use their savings to pay for them.

Now, here is some information on hearing aid operations. Every hearing aid comes with 3 main parts. They have a microphone, which is for receiving sounds, an amplifier that increases the loudness of the sounds, and a speaker or receiver that sends the sound to the ear.

All hearing aid devices are battery operated, and need to be kept in optimal working order for best results every time. There are various devices that you can buy, including in-ear aids, aids that go in the ear canal, behind the ear hearing aids, and even body-placed hearing aids.

What about information on hearing aids costs and expenses? Well, first there is the medical exam and tests that need to be done. An audiologist will perform this procedure, and use the results to determine which hearing aids a person needs.

Getting the right aid is essential to your success in using them. Sadly, insurance doesn't generally cover the costs of exams or devices related to hearing loss. You should not avoid getting a hearing device simply because your insurance doesn't cover it . . .

Hearing Aid Costs

Factors to Consider Prior to Buying a Hearing Aid

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Barbie Games

When we let our little girls play with dolls, we are allowing them to exercise their imagination and creativity. It's also how they mimic the things that they see going on around them. One of the innovations that lets girls even become more creative are Barbie games. They come in a variety of forms for example, video games, online computer games, story book games and even vinyl sticky Barbie games. Barbie is of course the main character.

Online, you can dress the Barbie doll. In one version, she is in a store trying to make a decision on what to get. There are long and short dresses, and you can also change her hair color and hairstyle.

The fashion conscious aren't left out. There are tons of accessories like shoes, handbags, jewelry, and hosiery and so on. In another game, you find Barbie surrounded by loads of glamorous dresses and you get to pick what you like and dress her in it. You can also change her lip color and make up. It's actually a lot of fun.

There are also Barbie games where you go on adventures with Barbie. These are based on some of the Barbie movies and it doesn't matter if you haven't seen the movie. It's still fun and easy to play. Your little girl is promised a lot of fun with these games, and as a parent one should know that the content is suitable as they are aimed for young girls. The games are also very easy to navigate though.

Barbie Games


Committing Ones Self to the Community

By way of introduction my name is Steve P. AND I am Executive Vice President of Sherwood Information Partners in Colorado, successful businessman, contributor to multiple charities and a modest philanthropist. I am writing you in support of Greg Reyes. Please let me give you some background on me and explain why I believe it is in the best interest of our community and Greg's family to avoid excessive sentencing particularly incarceration.

Did you know Greg Reyes has had a big impact on dozens of kids with cancer and sent an underprivileged inner city youth to California State University, but I will bet he did not know it? In order to understand this statement and why I feel so strongly about Greg Reyes' important role in our community allow me to tell you more about me.

My wife and I have two children of which we are very proud. The eldest, Matt is currently in New Zealand working on a professional accreditation and my daughter, Alexandra attends our local catholic high school with a special interest in international studies, Spanish language, and dreams of collegiate volleyball. As I mentioned in my introduction I continue to have a very successful life and career. My success is quite remarkable given a background of a broken home, I lost my mother at age 5, was sexually molested and raised on public financial assistance "welfare" growing up in San Gabriel Valley / East LA. At that time many would have said "least likely to succeed". As a teen I made a commitment to learn from adversity and focus on the positive influencers in order to shape my life. As I matured and became successful, I aspired to give back to the community in various ways. My life purpose developed into doing what I can to positively impact the community and be a catalyst for others to succeed through role modeling, philanthropy, and promoting good will. I came to this purpose as a direct result of a few individuals who made a profound positive influence on my life. Greg is one of those people.

Greg Reyes and I met in 1988. He was vice president of sales for a technology company when he gave me the opportunity as a salesman at a "start-up" technology company, Banyan Systems. Banyan went on to become a successful public company. Frankly it was the beginning of what turned out to be a great career for me. Greg took a chance and invested in me personally. I studied him in order to create success tor me personally and professionally. Again in 1998 Greg was instrumental in assisting me secure my first executive sales position as vice president of sales at a Nuera Communications. Greg has been a tremendous role model and leader to me. I learned a great deal from him about leadership, compassion, trust, loyalty, and friendship.

The success I achieved due largely by leadership from Greg Reyes has provided me the opportunity to assists others. My wife and I donate countless hours and money over the years to charities such as Camp Okizu in Marin County which offers children with cancer and their families an opportunity to learn independence, nourish positive self esteem and gain skills they thought were not possible through week long camp programs. The inner city youth mentioned above is named Jordanna Perez1. Jordanna had a similar childhood background as me along with the familiar desire to break out of the negative environment to pursue her goal of pre-law at Chico State. She now works in San Francisco at the law firm of Collette Erickson Farmer and O'Neil. Greg Reyes was the catalyst for my success, which in turn created opportunities for my children, hundreds of other children and enabled Jordanna Perez to attend college. Greg Reyes is directly and indirectly responsible for every person I help, whether it is mentoring, financial assistance, or charitable work. In turn many of these people will go on assist others.

The Jury rendered their decision, but they could not know the profound positive impact Greg Reyes has had on my life and the continuum set in motion for many others as a result of his leadership, commitment, friendship, and trust.

Your Honor please consider my plea to you to allow Greg Reyes to raise his children without interruption, they need him. Allow Greg to continue his important role in our community. Greg has and will continue to create positive personal and business influences, which we need. This is not an emotional or sentimental plea to you but a continuum of hope for many people in which Greg Reyes touches directly and indirectly. It is my belief he will continue to have a profound positive impact on our communities.

Greg Reyes

Saturday, March 20, 2010

I Didn't Hear You, Can You Repeat That

Pardon? Say what? Come again? Say that again? Eh? Can you repeat that? Sorry? You what? Aye? I missed that? Hmm?

It doesn't matter how you say it, they all mean the same thing: you didn't hear what was just said.

I've been thinking recently about how often I don't hear what someone has said and how often I ask them to repeat themselves. In some situations I will ask repeatedly, no matter how many time it takes, until I hear. In others, I will only ask once or twice. And, in others, I will not ask at all.

With family and close friends I am happy to ask repeatedly; most, if not all, of them know I am partially deaf and they are usually happy to repeat themselves until the cows come home. Sometimes, and I guess it depends on their mood, they don't want to repeat themselves - this annoys me quite a bit, if what they just said is not worth repeating why was it worth saying in the first place?

The people I really struggle with are the quietly and soft spoken ones. Some people just refuse to speak up and it will not matter how many times I ask them to repeat it, I will never hear them properly! I find myself avoiding speaking to people who I know speak really quietly, just to avoid the hassle - I wish I didn't do this because I'm sure it looks rude to them and I'm no doubt missing out on some good conversation. The obvious answer here is to tell them that I have trouble hearing what they say; I really don't feel comfortable doing that and I can't remember a time when I ever have done. I really should make the effort to start in future.

In the opening paragraph I said that in some cases I will never ask the person to repeat themselves. I used to do this a lot - I used to be too embarrassed about my hearing loss, I tried to hide it as much as possible - I would either try and guess what they said based on the odd word I'd heard or the context of the conversation or simply nod, laugh or give a short answer like "yes" or "no". I realised some years ago that this was a stupid thing to do, I cringe at the amount of times I must have given stupid and meaningless answers. I'm sure a lot of people do this exact thing all the time, it's an easy way out.

It's rarely uncomfortable to ask someone to repeat themselves in a one-to-one conversation; a group conversation can, on the other hand, be very difficult. It is a good idea to position yourself somewhere where you will have the best chance of hearing; this is something you can do when you know that one person in the group is going to be doing most of the talking: the teacher at school/college, someone giving a presentation to a group, and so on. It's not so easy when you don't have a single person to concentrate on: when you are chatting with friends or in an office meeting, it is particularly difficult if there is also background noise such as background chatter or office air-conditioning. It is too easy to loose the conversation when you are having to listen for voices coming from all directions.

Best Hearing Aid

Causes of Hearing Loss

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Ups and Downs of Downloadable DS Games

What is a DS?
The DS, or Nintendo DS, is an advanced technology apparatus that plays video games on a duel screen monitor. It is a handheld game system that allows gaming enthusiasts to bring high quality games with them when they are on the road or otherwise unable to play a counsel system. However, with the DS, has become a standalone system that has most gamers itching to try it. It was developed and produced by the Nintendo organization and was released in 2004 in multiple countries including Canada, Japan, the United States and the United Kingdom. The clamshell design is similar to the Game Boy Advance, which was the predecessor to the Nintendo DS, but the Nintendo DS has duel screens with the lower one being designed as a touch screen.

Download DS Games
Though there are some problems with downloadable DS games, they hardly outweigh the possible positives when it comes to these games. Downloadable DS games are games that can be downloaded off the wireless internet that is available for the Nintendo DS. These games are similar to WiiWare games in that they are not usually full length games, but they are still fantastically composed and capable of providing hours of gaming fun. There are even some free downloadable DS games available, but these are rarer than the purchased ones.
A few cons to downloadable DS games include the fact that the download speed is relatively poor. When downloading a game for the DS, it can take many minutes, even hours in some extreme cases. This can be more than a little frustrating for those that want to just play the game.
Another problem is that there is a possibility for an adware infiltration which can potentially do damage to the DS. However, this is only caused by poor usage of the wireless internet system.
These few cons are not enough to make the whole of the system poor. The Nintendo DS has many games online that may be downloaded on the SD card of the system. This can allow numerous downloadable games to be purchased or downloaded on a single system. The downloadable games for the DS are also very fun and very addicting. They can provide just as much if not more fun that any retail game for the DS or a consol alike. Once the games are downloaded there are usually no problems with operation.

Learn about the best DS Download sites. Find out where to download unlimited DS games without being afraid of viruses or adware. Go to DS Downloads

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How to find the perfect psychic reading

Now this statement is a bit of an oxymoron. A perfect psychic reading is not one that you hear everything you ever dreamed of hearing. A perfect one is a reading that you are told everything you need to know that will affect your life good or bad. Psychics on the World Wide Web are a dime a dozen, but the good ones are like gems in a mine. Just like psychic reading sites themselves. They can be found in the millions on the internet but that does not mean they are all reputable. You have to look hard to find one that is the right one for you. A good psychic will tell you your future with the up most honesty, at the same time as council you on the path you are on. Sugar coating is good in a dessert but definitely not in a psychic reading.

The first thing you need to look for is the reader’s feedback and profile. This will let you know exactly what other clients have expressed as to their happiness or dissatisfaction of their reading itself. You will gain the first hand knowledge of what to expect or not to expect. Are the comments negative? Then move to the next. Do you have a good feeling about this particular reader? Then by all means feel comfortable. The readers profile will help you gain a feeling using your intuition as to what level of trust you can get from the reader itself. You will learn how they are qualified to do psychic readings and their modes of divination like runes, tarot cards, or pendulums. You will also learn what their abilities are like clairvoyant (power to see), clairaudient (the power to hear), and empathic (the power to feel emotions) just to name a few.

Some sites have the ability to try out their services first before you purchase a private reading. Allot of sites today have specials where you can either chat with a psychic in a chat room environment, receive time free before you commit to call, or have a special for first time buyers. It is recommended that you try to see if the psychic can connect with you first before you make that first purchase. Sites that do not offer you a chance to connect or receive a cheaply priced private reading for first time clients should be avoided.

The psychic website that you go to should be viewed with a keen eye. Go into the chat room if they have one and see what other clients think in real time. Talk to them and get a vibe of how the site is and what to expect. If they have live readers in the chat room then build a rapport with them. Get to know them as individuals and treat them as such, since they are human just like you.

Whichever website you choose for your psychic readings I hope that you will go away with the answers to the questions you seek. When you find the right site you will know in your heart by the vibe you get. Psychics these days cost less than councilors, and do twice the work.

Astrological Readings | Psychic Readings Online

Monday, March 8, 2010

Rays of Light - How they can be harenessed by Greenhouses

Every day, the sun beams down huge amounts of warmth and light onto the Earth, in the form of light waves, or ‘rays’. However, most of these rays are wasted, as we still have few effective ways of harnessing and storing them.

Greenhouses store these rays by using a very simple piece of science to their advantage. Basically, if you make a structure out of glass, then the sun’s rays can pass through the glass to get into the structure, but then get trapped inside.

This happens because of the unique structure of glass that allows light to pass through but not air. When the sun’s rays get into the greenhouse, they heat up the air, soil, rocks, plants and other things inside the greenhouse, which then retain the heat. As the heat that has been absorbed into the air and objects cannot simply escape again, the greenhouse gradually gets hotter and hotter because of the amount of heat that is being trapped inside.

One hot day can keep the inside of a greenhouse warm for several days, and even a normal day will be good enough to keep the greenhouse warm overnight.

By using the heat that is stored in the greenhouse, the plants inside can grow and make food for themselves, even when it’s cold outside. As the temperatures in greenhouses will rise far above the outside temperature in warm conditions, they allow you to grow plants that would usually only grow in a more tropical climate than there is where you live, such as exotic fruits and flowers.

However, because of the way greenhouses work, you need to be careful about how often you go in your greenhouse. Every time you open the door, a huge amount of the heat will escape, and if you’re going in there every day then the greenhouse will be next to useless. However tempting it might be to go in and look at your plants, they will do much better if you plant them and then leave them alone (look through the windows if you have to!), only going in very occasionally to water them.

how to build a greenhouse | build your own greenhouse

Sunday, March 7, 2010

What You Need to Know Before Buying a Hearing Aid

You finally get up the nerve to go to the hearing aid office and get your ears tested. They break the news that you need a hearing aid. Your mind is swimming with visions of having to wear that huge thing on your ear. How could this have happened? Why me?! And then they start telling you about all of the different types you can get. All that terminology just goes right over your head. Don't they know your in shock! How on earth can you make a decision when you don't even know what they're talking about!

There are hundreds of different hearing aids. It can be a very complicated world of technological terms. Sometimes, those of us that work with hearing aids all the time can forget just how foreign they can sound to you. To make matters worse, the manufacturers like to call things different names, so they sound like something different. No wonder there's so much confusion!

I am going to try to unravel some of the mystery for you. When you get down to it, there are really only a few terms you need to understand.

There are seven primary styles of hearing aids: ITE, Half Shell, ITC, Mini Canal, CIC, BTE, and Open Ear.

In the Ear (ITE) ITE's are the largest custom style of hearing aid. They fill the bowl of your ear and can have the most power and features available.

Half Shell (HS) The Half Shell fills about half the bowl of your ear. They are able to have a good deal of power and features, use a smaller battery, but are more cosmetically appealing.

In the Canal (ITC) The next smallest size is the custom ITC. Harder to see than the larger hearing aids, but also not able to have as much power or as many features.

Mini Canal (MC) Smaller than the ITC hearing aid, the custom mini canal uses a smaller battery and has even less power available. Features can also be more limited.

Completely in the Canal (CIC) The CIC is the smallest custom in the ear hearing aid and very popular due to its cosmetic appeal and ease of use. There are usually no manual controls on a CIC, telephone usage is often better because they are less likely to whistle. Lack of power is the main reason people cannot use this style, though a small ear canal may keep you from being able to wear one also.

Behind the Ear (BTE) This hearing instrument sits behind your ear and is connected to your ear by a tube with an earmold. BTE hearing aids have the most power and features available.

Open Ear (OE) and Receiver in Canal (RIC) This hearing aid is a fairly new style of BTE made available in recent years and are much smaller then a traditional BTE. They are meant primarily for high frequency hearing loss. It is connected to your ear by a very thin tube or wire with a small earbud on the tip. They are called Open Ear because they leave the ear canal less blocked than other styles of hearing aid.

Important Features:

Directional Microphones - These are available on most BTE, OE, ITE, Half Shell, and ITC styles of hearing aids. They are the best feature you can have on your hearing aid for hearing in noisy places, such as restaurants. (They reduce sounds from behind, so that it does not interfere with the sound in front of you) Directional microphones can be automatic; they automatically turn on when the sound level in the room gets too loud. Some are also be adaptive, which means they can follow moving sounds, or reduce several different sounds at the same time.

Noise Reduction - Noise reduction doesn't really reduce noise, it reduces amplification in the frequencies where there is noise and no speech. If there is a fan running in the background, the hearing aid will not amplify it as much as it will speech. When the hearing aid finds both speech and noise at a frequency, you still get both. More advanced the hearing instruments manage noise better by breaking the frequencies up into smaller pieces.

Memories - There are two types of memories available on a hearing aid, manual and automatic. Many hearing aids have a push button that allows you to have different settings (memories) for different situations such as quiet places, noisy places, and music or telephone. The hearing aid beeps when you push the button to let you know which memory you are using. Advanced hearing aids can have memories that are automatic. Instead of pushing a button, the hearing aid does it for you! Some hearing aids can even have a combination of both.

Feedback Cancellation - Feedback (or that annoying whistling sound) is the number one complaint people have about hearing aids. Most hearing aid wearers experience feedback when they put their hand over their ear, or use the phone. Feedback Cancellation will take down the amount of feedback (whistling) that you hear.

Bands / Channels - Bands are what we use to adjust the volume in a hearing aid. More bands means more control when we program the hearing instrument to your hearing loss.

Channels are used to adjust the part of the hearing aid that keeps the sound from getting too loud. Channels can also refer to the hearing aid noise reduction system. For noise reduction, more channels is definitely better because the hearing aid can break the sound up into smaller pieces and isolate noise from speech.

These are the main things you need to understand about your hearing aid. If you really want the best one for you, I recommend you focus on telling your professional what benefits you want from your hearing instrument. Let them know what frustrates you to give them a better idea of how they can help you. Their goal is to help you hear better, and when that happens, everyone wins.

Compare Hearing Aids

Hearing Aids Newton MA

What You Need to Know Before Buying a Hearing Aid

You finally get up the nerve to go to the hearing aid office and get your ears tested. They break the news that you need a hearing aid. Your mind is swimming with visions of having to wear that huge thing on your ear. How could this have happened? Why me?! And then they start telling you about all of the different types you can get. All that terminology just goes right over your head. Don't they know your in shock! How on earth can you make a decision when you don't even know what they're talking about!

There are hundreds of different hearing aids. It can be a very complicated world of technological terms. Sometimes, those of us that work with hearing aids all the time can forget just how foreign they can sound to you. To make matters worse, the manufacturers like to call things different names, so they sound like something different. No wonder there's so much confusion!

I am going to try to unravel some of the mystery for you. When you get down to it, there are really only a few terms you need to understand.

There are seven primary styles of hearing aids: ITE, Half Shell, ITC, Mini Canal, CIC, BTE, and Open Ear.

In the Ear (ITE) ITE's are the largest custom style of hearing aid. They fill the bowl of your ear and can have the most power and features available.

Half Shell (HS) The Half Shell fills about half the bowl of your ear. They are able to have a good deal of power and features, use a smaller battery, but are more cosmetically appealing.

In the Canal (ITC) The next smallest size is the custom ITC. Harder to see than the larger hearing aids, but also not able to have as much power or as many features.

Mini Canal (MC) Smaller than the ITC hearing aid, the custom mini canal uses a smaller battery and has even less power available. Features can also be more limited.

Completely in the Canal (CIC) The CIC is the smallest custom in the ear hearing aid and very popular due to its cosmetic appeal and ease of use. There are usually no manual controls on a CIC, telephone usage is often better because they are less likely to whistle. Lack of power is the main reason people cannot use this style, though a small ear canal may keep you from being able to wear one also.

Behind the Ear (BTE) This hearing instrument sits behind your ear and is connected to your ear by a tube with an earmold. BTE hearing aids have the most power and features available.

Open Ear (OE) and Receiver in Canal (RIC) This hearing aid is a fairly new style of BTE made available in recent years and are much smaller then a traditional BTE. They are meant primarily for high frequency hearing loss. It is connected to your ear by a very thin tube or wire with a small earbud on the tip. They are called Open Ear because they leave the ear canal less blocked than other styles of hearing aid.

Important Features:

Directional Microphones - These are available on most BTE, OE, ITE, Half Shell, and ITC styles of hearing aids. They are the best feature you can have on your hearing aid for hearing in noisy places, such as restaurants. (They reduce sounds from behind, so that it does not interfere with the sound in front of you) Directional microphones can be automatic; they automatically turn on when the sound level in the room gets too loud. Some are also be adaptive, which means they can follow moving sounds, or reduce several different sounds at the same time.

Noise Reduction - Noise reduction doesn't really reduce noise, it reduces amplification in the frequencies where there is noise and no speech. If there is a fan running in the background, the hearing aid will not amplify it as much as it will speech. When the hearing aid finds both speech and noise at a frequency, you still get both. More advanced the hearing instruments manage noise better by breaking the frequencies up into smaller pieces.

Memories - There are two types of memories available on a hearing aid, manual and automatic. Many hearing aids have a push button that allows you to have different settings (memories) for different situations such as quiet places, noisy places, and music or telephone. The hearing aid beeps when you push the button to let you know which memory you are using. Advanced hearing aids can have memories that are automatic. Instead of pushing a button, the hearing aid does it for you! Some hearing aids can even have a combination of both.

Feedback Cancellation - Feedback (or that annoying whistling sound) is the number one complaint people have about hearing aids. Most hearing aid wearers experience feedback when they put their hand over their ear, or use the phone. Feedback Cancellation will take down the amount of feedback (whistling) that you hear.

Bands / Channels - Bands are what we use to adjust the volume in a hearing aid. More bands means more control when we program the hearing instrument to your hearing loss.

Channels are used to adjust the part of the hearing aid that keeps the sound from getting too loud. Channels can also refer to the hearing aid noise reduction system. For noise reduction, more channels is definitely better because the hearing aid can break the sound up into smaller pieces and isolate noise from speech.

These are the main things you need to understand about your hearing aid. If you really want the best one for you, I recommend you focus on telling your professional what benefits you want from your hearing instrument. Let them know what frustrates you to give them a better idea of how they can help you. Their goal is to help you hear better, and when that happens, everyone wins.

Compare Hearing Aids

Hearing Aids Newton MA

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Hearings aids for home living

There are a number of products which can be purchased to make living at home easier for the hard of hearing. Below are examples of such products.

Wake up alarms
Door lights
Smoke Alarms
Phone signallers

Alarms to wake up the user

It is common practice to remove hearing aids at night prior to sleeping. It may therefore be necessary to have an alarm clock which caters for the heard of hearing. Such alarms use different systems to wake the user including flashing lights, vibration and loud sounds. Depending on the users level of hearing one of the systems may be more suitable than the other. The vibrating system can be placed under the pillow or mattress.

Door Alarms to signal a visitor.

If the user hearing aids are of or turned down then a door alarm will be required. The most common system uses lights to make the user aware of a visitor. Other systems are wireless and use a pager to inform the user that they have a visitor.

Smoke Alarms

Smoke alarms are a very important safety feature that will emit a very loud sound or flashing lights to inform the user of the danger. A single alarm can be connected to several receivers, which can be placed in all the rooms of the house to inform the user wherever they are. Such systems can be installed professionally or purchased in a plug in form.

Telephone Phone Signallers

To inform the user that the telephone is ringing a phone signallers can be installed which operates by a flashing light or very loud ringing. The system is connected to the telephone line and then connecting a light to the signaller, which then flashes when a call is received. Remote systems are also available to transmit the phone signal to other rooms.

Hearing Aids Albuquerque NM

Monday, March 1, 2010

How to Pass Your Medical Assistant Training

Although certification is not mandatory for a medical assistant, remember that it is never wrong to gain an accredited certification for your profession by passing the course the best you can. Medical assistant has gained its popularity over the last few years and the demand for medical assistant is high with very attractive job prospect and lucrative pay.

So if you have considered all the necessary, and really believe that that this is the career for you, then get yourself enrolled in one of the best school with their medical assistant program would be the right thing to start with. Medical assistant training is one of the greatest parts of the certification program because it focus a lot on the hands-on activity, while keeping the theoretical knowledge aside as good source of reference and guidance.

So here, I will share with you on what does it take to pass your medical assistant training with flying colors.

a. Ensure that you are ready and you have the absolute desire and passion to be a medical assistant. It is not surprising that people who love and are enthusiastic in their jobs will excel in their profession and career.

b. Make the learning fun and enjoyable for yourself; don't take it as an obligation so as to put unnecessary pressure on yourself. Make sure you enjoy every moment of the new learning and to really be assure that this is the right career for you.

c. Focus and provide your full attention during lecturers and participate enthusiastically in all the tutorials' working session and class discussions.

d. For any given assignments, don't procrastinate and keep it until the last minute. Last minute work is hardly of good quality. Plan out your work accordingly when works and projects are assigned by the faculty. If you really want to do well in your examination, make sure you are committed and serious in your given assignments by start preparing them as soon as you possibly can.

e. Consistently revising on the topics and areas which were taught in the classes. Work hard and get focus is the key to success. Kickoff with good momentum and consistently working diligently and seek for advice and further explanation from your lecturers if there are any area which you are not clear or have questions with.

f. Get yourself to the libraries and find any related information relating your course or search the online library where anything under the sky can be found through the Internet today. Stuff yourself with useful information and additional knowledge, other than those taught in the class. The better equipped you are in terms of the areas of examination; the more confident you shall have in yourself when it comes examination.

g. Keep up with the positive attitude and mindset. Try your best in everything you have been assigned for and expect for the best you will obtain. However anticipate for occasional failure during the training process as this is part of the learning process. Learn from the mistakes and move on to strive the best for the medical assistant training.

Read here to know how to build certified medical assistant career Everything you should know about medical assistant training

Stairlifts – A Guide For The Disabled And Elderly

Many elderly people face a difficult choice in their later years, as their ability to tackle the stairs in their houses becomes more difficult. Do they sell the houses they love and move into a bungalow or sheltered accommodation or do they convert their dining room to a bedroom and live downstairs, assuming they have a bathroom on the ground floor. Of course, there is a third option, which is to provide safe and secure access to their upstairs facilities by using installing a stairlift.

The purchase of a stairlift is quite a daunting prospect since it is something that you have probably never done before and will never do again. What should you look for in a stairlift and do you understand all of the facilities available and which ones are most important to you? There is also the cost factor, how much do you pay to get peace of mind and should you consider second-hand or reconditioned stairlifts.

Firstly, my recommendation is that whether you buy new or reconditioned that you go to a reputable supplier who can advise you on all of the issues, especially installation. If someone has passed away in you locality and their stairlift is for sale cheaply, it is tempting to buy it. However, remember that there are strict safety standards to adhere to, and that installation may not be straight forward. Just consider the tracking for a moment, is it a straight run, is it on the same side of the stairs, are the stairs the same dimensions, or is the tracking actually curved. With stairlifts you are not just buying a mobility product, you are also buying peace of mind. Make sure you deal with suppliers who have years of experience in advising customers and installing their products.

When considering actually what type of stairlift you require, most people opt for the seated version of the product although other types are available including a standing stairlift and one with a large platform to accommodate a wheelchair. For the rest of the article we will consider the most common type, the seated stairlift.

Seated Stairlift
These tend to be the most common type used in a domestic setting. The majority of users are able to walk, but find it difficult to negotiate the stairs. The person must be able to sit safely on the seat during transit and transfer on and off at the top and bottom of the stairs. A swivel seat and lift-up armrests will make transfers onto and off the seat easier.

The swivel seat can be manually or electrically operated. It is preferable that the user can transfer independently; however, in some situations it may be possible for the carer to carry out an assisted transfer in conjunction with a piece of small handling equipment. The ability of the carer to transfer the user at the top of the stairs should be very carefully considered and avoided if at all possible.

Seating Position
There is a choice of fixed seats, fold-down seats, perching seats and seats which slide forward to assist access in and out of the lift. Some companies will fix the seat at the most appropriate height for the user.

Some of questions you should consider prior to purchase are:

• Will the standard seat provided be the correct size for the user?

• Will the user need a special seat for a child or a harness for a more severely disabled child? A seat unit or moulded seating system will have to be removed before the seat can be folded.

• Which direction will the user need to face? Most seats face sideways, but if the user has a stiff knee he/she may need to face forwards to give them more room.

Installation Design Considerations

If your staircase has a sub-landing at the top, with a few steps to the left or right, most companies can fit a manual or motorised folding platform which bridges the gap between the top of the stairlift and the landing, although the number of stairs and the amount of available headroom will need to be taken into consideration. This allows the user to get off the stairlift and walk straight onto the landing, avoiding the need to have a curved or two straight stairlifts installed.

Some people may find the platforms unnerving as they are quite high up over the staircase. If the track for the stairlift cannot continue beyond the bottom or top step of the staircase, usually because it will obstruct a door, some companies can provide a fold-up, hinged rail to overcome this problem. Can other members of the household easily use the stairway when the lift is folded against the wall?

How will the stairlift be controlled and powered

Will the user be able to operate the standard controls, usually push button controls sited on the end of the armrest, or is an alternative method required, for example joystick or toggle controls? Will the controls need to be sited in another position? Wander leads allow the user to operate the controls from the most comfortable position or a carer to operate the lift independently. Remote controls, for a carer to operate, are also available from some companies. Lifts are available with an audible signal to alert blind and partially sighted users that the lift is at the top or the bottom of the track.

Straight stairlifts are available with a battery backup option in case of power failures. Most standard straight stairlifts are powered from the mains. Most curved stairlifts run from rechargeable batteries, which are continually topped up from charging points at the top and the bottom of the stairs. This needs accurate re-siting at the charging point because of a warning bleep if it is in the wrong place.

Maintaining your stairlift

Most major companies guarantee their stairlifts for one year. After this it is recommended that they are inspected every six months and serviced annually. Some companies offer an emergency call-out facility. However, check that they have fully trained service engineers on call 24 hours per day. On completion of your one year warranty most companies will offer to re-guarantee the lift for a charge. It is advisable to check these charges before purchasing.

So, in summary, my advice is to consider all of the points above and then contact a reputable supplier of stairlifts and go and discuss your requirements with them. Most have expert staff on hand to answer your technical queries and build a tailor made solution to fit your needs. Products to make someone more mobile are often bought by, or for, the vulnerable or infirm - take the risk out of the purchase and talk to experienced care advisors that have been specially trained to understand their customer's needs and requirements.

used stair lifts

used stairlifts

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

How to choose smart Stop Loss in Forex Trading

Here is step by step guide:

1. If price is close to recent high or low then place SL 5-10 pips above or below that point. This is very important. Prices do go back to test recent highs and lows and we need to set SL as per the recent price action. Trading on daily chart is bit tricky where such SL can be even 30-40 pips more on top of your static 100 pip SL.

2. Another point to take care is that don’t place SL on important boundary numbers such as 00 or 50 mark. These points are tested often and you can easily be stopped out.

3. Place your stop loss on odd numbers excluding 1 and 9. Never place SL on even numbers.

Believe It or Not!!!

Let me surprise some of you by saying that Brokers HUNT for your SL. That’s true. Forex is unlike Dow where everything is run by one organization and prices don’t vary from broker to broker (those broker makes money by giving you a worse fill than you would expect + commissions). Brokers in Forex can manipulate prices as they like and hence they go after your SL.

Now why brokers will want to you to loose?? Well every time you open a position, a broker opens an opposite position. So when you loose they win. They also want you trade more often, since they make money either in commission or spreads (or both). The only way they can force you to trade again is to stop you out.

Why you think brokers give out free market research and trading ideas?? If all of their traders are trading the same way then it is easier for them to take them out.

I am sure that some people would disagree (the ones working for broker J ) but it is something to think about.

So How To Beat The Brokers:

Simple, don’t place any Stop Loss. That’s right. It is not a typo. What you need is a Mental SL. You should know at price you will take your losses and set up alarms on your trading station when the price reach close to the mental SL you had in place. This can be challenging for some people but if you are lucky enough to get this working then there is nothing like it.

Hope this helps you in placing better SL from now on.

Learn Stock Trading Tips Here

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Shine And Sparkle Of Silver Jewelry Is Like No Other Metal

Sterling silver is affordable and it looks great, many fashion designers are using it and many shoppers are starting to purchase this beautiful metal, it is much more affordable than gold, platinum and looks just as good. Pure silver by itself is too soft and would not be practical for jewelry and other ornamental objects. It doesn't matter if you use silver with a bracelet, necklace or bling it up with precious stones silver will always be in fashion.

Pure silver by itself is too soft and would not be practical for jewelry and other ornamental objects. Silver jewelry, given its beauty, quality and inexpensiveness has become a highly sought after commodity. Silver jewelry is gaining popularity with a consumer public which is interested in affordability, style and quality. Sterling silver can be crafted into a lot of different jewelry items including charms, rings and chains and bracelets. Silver jewelry is frequently mistaken for other new precious metals as well as white gold and platinum.

It can be brushed, giving it a matte finish, or sandblasted for a satiny-smooth texture. Attractive, versatile, easy to care for and affordable, silver jewelry is the alternative to white gold and platinum. Sterling silver is so reflective that when light hits it is like no other metal in the world, the power of the shine is hypnotic. This is because 100 % pure sterling silver jewelry is a little soft and prone to bending and breaking. Sterling silver jewelry is synonymous with class and style in the world of fashion. Silver is prone to tarnishing and sometimes it can be a nuisance when trying to keep the shine, but most of the time the silver jewelry has a coating called rhodium which prevents the silver from tarnishing. When cleaning your silver jewelry make sure that the silver is not plated with any type of metal because when you try to clean it with silver cleaner it will damage it.

Sterling is the highest quality of silver. Sterling is stamped Sterling. If the sterling silver mark is no on the piece of jewelry it is not sterling silver. The reason you want to make sure that the stamp is there is because sterling silver is worth twice as much as other types of silver.

This problem has led silver manufactures come out with some alternatives, such as silver alloys, which, apart from retaining the original characteristics of silver is long lasting. Among these alloys sterling silver is unique. Pure silver by itself is too soft and would not be practical for jewelry and other ornamental objects. It doesn't matter, sterling silver is durable and flexible and the sheen is incredible, that's why it is use to celebrate 25 years of marriage, love and commitment between two people.

Tarnish is a thin layer of corrosive that appears on silver, this is a natural occurrence when silver is exposed to oxygen. Due to its very nature silver is prone to tarnishing with prolonged contact with the air or the chemicals found on the surface of many people's skin. Tarnish can easily be removed by gentle polishing with a silver cloth or commercial silver dip available in most jewelers and supermarkets.

David Marc Fishman is the owner of the jewelry chains [] site. Find the finest cheap jewelry [] pieces. Get a nice opal jewelry [].

Article Source:

I found beautiful Sterling Silver Jewelry at this fun website!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Completely In The Canal (Cic) Hearing Aids

Completely in the canal hearing aids (also known as CIC hearing aids) are, as the name suggests, hearing aids which fit entirely within the wearers ear canal. These revolutionary devices are the smallest hearing aids on the market and are invisible to the average observer who doesn’t know they are there. Most major hearing aid brands and manufacturers now offer this inconspicuous alternative to traditional behind the ear, or BTE, hearing aids.

CIC hearing aids are custom made to fit deep inside the individual wearers ear canal and are said to mimic the natural auditory process more closely then any other style of hearing aid. They are best suited to people with a mild to moderate hearing loss. There are a number of advantages and disadvantages that should be taken into consideration when deciding between CIC hearing aids and the BTE models.

For audiologists, otologists, speech therapists and other hearing professionals, the primary appeal of CIC hearing aids are their acoustic advantages. They are able to closely simulate environmental, and more importantly, speech sounds, patterns, nuances etc. This is imperative to a hearing impaired individual’s competency with the spoken word. Additionally, since CIC hearing aids are worn closer to the eardrum then their BTE counterparts, their microphones are better able to amplify and therefore give a boost to any residual hearing the wearer may have. The advantage that is most often touted by the wearers of CIC devices, however, is their cosmetic appeal and inconspicuousness.

Conversely, it is important to keep in mind that CIC hearing aids also have some drawbacks. If financial constraints are a part of the picture, it should be noted that completely in the canal hearing aids are somewhat more expensive to purchase then behind the ear hearing aids are. Another issue that may make them cost prohibitive to those on a tight budget is that increased susceptibility to ear wax build up puts CIC hearing aids at higher risk for damage, therefore necessitating pricey repair bills or replacement hearing aids.

Whereas BTE hearing instruments are appropriate for almost all hearing impaired individuals regardless of the type or degree of hearing loss, CIC hearing aids are not recommended for individuals with certain kinds of hearing loss. They are also unlikely to be prescribed or advised for children. First of all children tend to be less able to tolerate the discomfort and irritations that sometimes come along with the use of CIC models, especially in the beginning.

Plus children’s ear canals aren’t done growing, so they will need to be refitted and replaced much more often for them then for adults. The size of CIC hearing aids and their even tinier batteries make them difficult to manipulate for the elderly, arthritis sufferers and others with conditions and diseases which effect fine motor control. Feedback and no volume control are two more drawbacks often mentioned by CIC hearing aid users.

Audiologists are the best resource hearing impaired individuals have to help them objectively decide whether CIC or BTE hearing aids are better for them. They can also point wearers in the direction of the best CIC hearing aids provider. Research on the pros and cons can also be done at the library or on the internet.

Hearing Aid Styles

How To Clean Hearing Aids

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Alcohol Abuse and How it Degrades the Quality of Life

The consumption of alcoholic beverages is for many a relaxing and enjoyable pastime. There are many social gatherings where drinks are served and everyone has fun socializing and sharing the time together. Sometimes there are those with a predisposition to alcohol abuse and these people gradually develop a dependence on the substance. Those who are victims of alcohol abuse cannot control the urge to drink. They also cannot fathom attending a social function where alcohol is not served. At least if they do, they don't stay long. These are in the prison of alcohol abuse and have a difficult time controlling it without abstinence, family support, and therapy. Eventually, the social gatherings will not be as fun as they used to be as the person under the control of alcohol abuse has to drink more to achieve the same results. For these people, the quality of life quickly begins to go downhill. Let's see what happens to the victim of alcohol abuse as his or her quality of life degrades.

The victim of alcohol abuse will have disturbed sleep patterns. Not getting proper sleep degrades many areas in a person's life. Lack of sleep causes improper firing of neurotransmitters in the brain and the results can be depression, confusion, and cognitive difficulties. Even after abstinence for several months, the alcoholic can still suffer from disturbed sleep patterns. The danger in this case is that patients sometimes revert back to alcohol abuse because they think it helps them sleep. It is true that alcohol has sedative effects but the sleep pattern is of poor quality.

Alcohol abuse leads to either difficulty on the job or job loss. However it is true that many with this condition can hide it and appear to be very successful. First of all, alcohol abuse can put a tremendous financial strain on a person. Increased resistance and the need to drink take their financial tolls. Alcoholics often incur debts because of their spontaneity in financial decisions. A person with financial difficulties will suffer decreased job performance because of the stress. Those who suffer from alcohol abuse will find over time that their absences will increase, spouses will make excuses for them, and eventually they will embarrass themselves at an office social gathering. Loss of job equals loss of lifestyle, identity, and means to support oneself or one's family--a definite decrease in a person's quality of life.

A person's mental health is seriously affected because of alcohol abuse. The victim of alcohol abuse will see any external attempt by someone to change his or her behavior as a threat. Scientists believe that the mesolimbic dopamine system is the structure in the brain associated with "rewarding" drug and alcohol abuse. To put it simply, people get a charge out of this hormone/neurotransmitter that is released when a reward is received. Dopamine affects a person's ability to experience pleasure, motivation, and emotional responses. The alcoholic develops a strong dependency on the dopamine response and any attempt to remove it will oftentimes be met with aggression, anxiety, and panic. The victim of alcohol abuse sees an end to his or her ability to interact socially or cope with life if alcohol is removed such as through a treatment program.

There are many websites that offer information about this issue but few offer actual support. If you are a victim of alcoholism or any of its related pains you will greatly benefit at - where FREE and professional counseling, prayers and healing are on offer to help you on your way to recovery.

Please visit us in the name of The Lord - we are here for you and you need not be alone.

Living with an alcoholic is a very fragile existence, the relationship always undermined by a breach of trust or a potential breach of trust. Find out at on how to deal with it.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Going Green without Spending Green

We have this mistaken idea that to go green, we have to spend green dollars. Well, actually, you do not need to strain your budget just to adopt an eco-friendly lifestyle. In fact, you will be fattening up your wallets with these tips on going green without spending your green dollars. And trust us, these ways are easy, effective and convenient.

Reduce Food Waste

Your grocery bill may constitute more than 50 percent of your total household bills. Thus, any and all efforts to reduce food waste will add up to big benefits to your pockets and to the environment for many reasons. You can achieve this end by:

* Reducing your food consumption in terms of shopping for groceries.
* Using leftovers for new dishes and enforcing a no-dregs policy
* Planning meals in advance to avoid too many leftovers

Use Heaters Wisely

We are so dependent on hot water for many of our needs from washing our bodies to washing our dishes and clothes. Well, go green by choosing cold water for many activities in the house. Start by taking cold showers when the weather permits instead of hot tub baths. Then progress into using unheated tap water for washing your hands, dishes and clothes. Studies have shown that tap water is just as effective in killing germs as hot water. The trick is in washing your hands properly for 20 seconds, soaking the clothes for 30 minutes to remove stubborn dirt and washing off the dregs on the eating utensils before placing on a full dishwasher.

Unplug the Appliances

You can save as much as 10-15 percent of your electricity bill simply by unplugging the cords from their sockets when these are not in use. This is because so-called phantom electricity does not flow from the grid into your appliances. And speaking of appliances, you can save money by either buying ones with the Energy Star logo or ones that have been refurbished. Of course, make sure that the refurbished appliances are also energy-efficient. You ought to save money in the long run instead of sticking to your run-down appliances. However, do recycle said old appliances with the manufacturers or with the recycling centers.

Use Recycled Materials for Your Home

As much as possible, use recycled materials for your home. You can purchase scrap lumber from hardware stores, vintage wood and glass panels from garage sales and old houses, utensils and ornaments made of recycled materials from green stores and sites, to name a few options. You will often spend less on these items and yet get as much mileage as you possibly can from them. Better yet, you should adopt the motto of environmentalists everywhere - reduce, reuse and recycle. You will soon find that indeed being eco-friendly has its rewards for you and for your children's children.

Starting today, take a look around your home and see what else needs to be done to be as environmentally-friendly as possible.

Read about ways to start going green in the kitchen and more about the different ways to recycle.

What Is A Data Center?

Why is it important to have a data center for that matter? A data center is a facility that will house a good amount of the electronic equipment (and information) that a business or group has and needs. There will be computers and communication elements in this area as well as a number of other vital components to keeping the business running smoothly. What is essential about a data center is security and maintenance.

Companies may have more than one data center as well. Most mid size or higher companies will have at least one data center though. There are many types of data that can be stored in these centers. For example, a financial institution will maintain their clients accounts, numbers and activities in the data center. Businesses will keep client names, accounts, and projects in a data center as well. Because the data a business has is so very important to their existence and their performance, turning to a data center is an excellent option for this type of storage need.

Inside of a data center you are likely to find various types of computers, internet servers as well as many other items. To keep these items safe, data centers are often built and secured physically as well as logistically to protect them. Security is extremely high. They can be one of the safest environments in the city. The main job of a data center is to maintain and run applications to allow businesses to access and manage their files effectively.

There are many information portals now devoted to the subject and we recommend reading about it at one of these. Try googling for “data center info” and you will be surprised by the abundance of information on the subject. Alternatively you may try looking on Yahoo, MSN or even a decent directory site, all are good sources of this information.

Data Center Migration

Data center migration services

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Health Insurance and the New Stimulus Package

Health insurance coverage for the masses has been in the news for awhile now. But with the recent campaign season, and the economic downturn the U.S. has been experiencing, it has been pushed to the forefront with renewed vigor. While I, like most of you, would like to see the entire population have some type of health insurance coverage, I don't believe the government should foot the bill. Or at lease not all of it.

The proposed $836 BILLION dollar stimulus package sets aside about $40,000,000,000.00 (40 billion) to help the uninsured. Some of the money is to be used to expand medicaid for the poor, while the rest is to used to subsidize C.O.B.R.A. for those who lose their jobs. On the surface these seem to be good ideas but upon further review the plan is more expensive than it needs to be while skipping a large portion of people in the middle.

Helping those less fortunate than ourselves is a noble cause, thus I believe helping the poor by expanding Medicaid sounds reasonable, however, the individual states we be able to set the baseline for acceptance. Meaning that if the state sets the limit too some of the truly needy will not qualify, but if they set the limit too high then we as tax payers are helping those who should be able to help themselves. Also covered under the Medicaid program will be those who choose not to report their income either for tax or immigration issues as well as those who simply choose not to work. (But that is another article for a different day) If we as the taxpayers are expected to pay the bills we should have the right to expect our government to enforce the rules that govern our money. Some portion of the Medicaid funds should be set aside for that purpose. So that we are not being taken advantage of.

The second portion of the stimulus to to subsidize the high cost of C.O.B.R.A. coverage when an employee with company sponsored benefits loses their job. I believe that this, for the most part, is a tremendous waste of funds. 94% of people on C.O.B.R.A. would qualify for an IFP(individual or family plan) though private insurance for up to 75% less. The remaining 6% would not qualify and should be allowed and possibly subsidized until they can find another group health insurance plan or be allowed to remain on C.O.B.R.A. until the age of 65 when they would qualify for Medicare. If the government insist on subsidizing everyone on C.O.B.R.A. Wouldn't it be far cheaper for them just to subsidize the cost of the lower cost private plan? Potentially saving billions of dollars while still providing basic coverage for those who lost their jobs.

The group of people being left out of this plan are the people who do not have group coverage, make too much money for Medicaid and have to provide their own coverage. I think what these people need is not subsidies or "free" insurance but information and education on what insurance coverages they need versus what the think they need. We are at the end of the HMO generation. The time when most had an HMO plan through our employers or our parents employers and there was little to no cast for any medical services. Those days are gone but many believe that is the only acceptable type of coverage, Low cost high coverage and no personal financial responsability. During these difficult financial times we need to take a look at the type of coverage that we truly need, take responsibility for that coverage, seek out those that can best advise us and then put it in place.

Insurance is not the governments responsibility it is OUR responsibility. Government funded insurance should not be a right of the people until all of the people are required to help fund it. These are just my opinions and my thoughts and every person is entitled to their own. If you like my ideas or have different ideas of your own, do the right thing and contact your congressman and let them know what you would like them to do. Without our voices they are voting on these issues assuming that you agree with their opinion.

Arthur Hoffman is an insurance broker in California. He is licensed in 14 states and specializes in health insurance policies. With in-depth knowledge of insurance plans and procedures, and having years of experience inside the insurance companies themselves, he is a highly qualified expert in the field. To get more information on Arthur Hoffman Insurance Services, or to search for a plan, please visit [] There, we have plans available for individuals, families, seniors and even children only policies. You can also get a free quote. There is also a FAQ page where you can learn more about insurance terms and information about the different types of policies available.

Use any of our tools and informative articles such as our Income assistance programs related articles.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Your Guide To Top Nursing Schools

So, you want to go to one of the top nursing schools, take up nursing and be a well paid and steady employed nurse years from now? To achieve this and more, you have to scout for the top nursing schools that could give you the best level of education. You go here and there to look for top nursing degree programs such as Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), Registered Nurse (RN), Bachelor Nursing programs, Masters Nursing degree programs, Nursing License and other specialty nursing areas like that of the certified nurse midwife programs.

Put an end to that search... all over the world, University of Phoenix, Walden University, Sanford-Brown College, and Bethel University are the most well known and top nursing schools.

Throughout the years, the field of nursing has brought millions and millions of people above average paying jobs. Not only that, opportunities arise like the golden sun everyday, and await all degree holders of nursing, especially those that graduated from the top nursing schools, and since nursing is proved to be in an endless great demand, a number of nursing schools grow and multiply every year like mushrooms. If you wish to take the path of nursing and get a high quality education, you’ll find the top nursing schools in states such as: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Melaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming and more.

Most of these top nursing schools require applicants and/or students to acquire formal training and certification. Top nursing schools, according to studies, are expected to grow more in number and go full blown before year 2010. More so, the Bureau of Labor Statistics have seen figures of obvious uncontrollable growth in the number of employed registered nurses up to date. With this, nursing professions prove to be the most in-demand and the largest well known profession worldwide. Graduating and earning a degree from the top nursing schools will be your key to the gate of the golden variety of professions such as nurse practitioners, family nurse practitioners, nurse assistants, and registered nurses. Among the given nursing professions, the most popular field is registered nursing.

The top nursing schools enhance the development of their nursing school programs and offers which includes undergraduate / non-degree/ graduate medical and health professions; nursing professions; registered nurse; public health and safety; medical administrative services; education; business; liberal arts and humanities; public safety and law enforcement; psychology; computer sciences; math and statistics; nurse practitioner of family; nurse practitioner; public health nurse or community nurse; nursing administration; social services and public administration; dental hygienist; sports medicine; paramedic; therapeutic and rehabilitation professions; nursing for adults and seniors; engineering technology; visual and performing arts; medical ethics and bioethis; religion and philosophy; communication technologies; religious vocations; communication and journalism; residency programs and so on.

The world’s top nursing schools are more often than not, located in the top cities where the mode of transportation to and from the location is easy and the cost of living is nonetheless, affordable.

Inspite of the tight competition going on between all the top nursing schools, they maintain the quality of education and continue to vie for a reputable name in the field of nursing. Throughout the years, they’ve given their students a systematized curriculum within convenient class hours, an extensive and strong alumni network, and solid learning groups and learning teams. These tons of benefits and advantages have brought in more than a million students lined up for enrollment. Surely, these top nursing schools are the answers to all your professional high education worries.

Learning groups and Learning teams in top nursing schools

So, how do the learning groups differ from the learning teams? The learning groups are a herd of nursing students who go all the way up TOGETHER all throughout the degree process. They help each other hand in hand as they move from one course to another. The solidarity in learning groups remain intact even after they’ve earned their degrees. However, learning teams are a bit smaller than the learning groups in terms of head count. Usually, learning teams in top nursing schools consists of around 3 to 6 students only. They are not as intact as the learning groups because their ways of interaction and communication are very minimal. And most of the time, they do their group assignments and projects, and other activities which enchance learning skills thru online learning.

Top nursing schools will continue to extend benefits to their graduates, degree holders and alumni. So, ship all your worries off to Timbuktu, because with the helpful information I mentioned about top nursing schools – you’ll be more than ready to take the 1st step!


Online LPN Programs

Online LPN Nursing Programs

Monday, January 11, 2010

Why You Need to Delete iTunes Duplicates

For most people, their iTunes account is a bounty of music. With everything from music uploaded from CDs to the files downloaded from the iTunes store, your iPod or iPhone can be filled with any and all of the music you desire. But in the midst of downloading and uploading, sometimes can have duplicate files - and not even realize it. However, you do need to delete iTunes duplicates whenever possible. And here's why.

More Files = More Memory Taken

It makes sense that when you don't delete iTunes duplicates, then you're going to be stuck with a bunch of music which repeats itself. And while this might not be a problem when you're first building your iTunes library, things can and will get sticky if you continue to fill up your memory. When the memory begins to fill, the rest of the programs on your PC or your laptop will begin to slow, causing troubles when you attempt other task. In addition, you just won't have room for more music on your computer if you run out of memory. When you delete iTunes duplicates, you will help keep your computer running well for a longer period of time and this means you can enjoy your music collection both now and in the future.

Save Yourself Some Money

Of course, if you get rid of delete iTunes duplicates, you are actually going to begin to save yourself money. Once you begin to see that you're buying files which you don't need, you're going to be a little more careful when you stop by the iTunes store. Thankfully, iTunes will tell you when you are about to download something you already have, but only if the file and album name are exactly that same - and this is not the case when you are downloading singles. Tricky, yes, legal, yes. But the more practice you have with taking the time to delete iTunes duplicates, you won't be making that mistake again.

Prevent Duplicate Files in the Future

To prevent the need to delete iTunes duplicates in the future, it will help for you to write down songs and albums you want to purchase and then look for these tracks in your library. If the tunes are in your library, you don't need to buy them. Or it might be a good idea from time to time to arrange your iTunes library in alphabetical order by titles. This way, you can quickly skim down your list to see if you have any files which need to be deleted. Another good idea is to take your CD collection out and see what files you have on CD as well as in your iTunes library. If the music is on a CD, then you might want to remove it from your library to help pare down the memory.

It's simple to delete iTunes duplicates, but it's a better idea to avoid downloading the duplicates in the future. You want to enjoy playing your music, not arranging it and rearranging it.

Max Smirnov, I know the way to Delete iTunes Duplicates automatically

Koop iTunes Gift Cards.